Sakamichi no Apollon, Vol. 6

The issues in this volume also get a mention in Hyouka episode 4!

Three more volumes to go…

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50 thoughts on “Sakamichi no Apollon, Vol. 6

  1. b1b2 says:


  2. Eva says:

    Thank you, I’m happy now.

  3. hanrai says:

    I’ve been waiting for this! Thank you so much!

  4. Fry says:

    Thanks so much for the hard work!! I’m hooked onto this series :)

  5. sunnbean says:

    Thank you for the hard work ! Wonderful manga !

  6. panbear says:

    Just finished this volume. It was so sweet !
    Thank you guys :D

  7. ade says:

    you are the best! i’mhappythankyoumoreplease :)

  8. somebodyelse says:

    Thanks a lot for the release!

  9. imaai says:

    you are indeed my hero, my life-saver! *o* wondeful release!!
    and keep up the super fabulous & fast work for the next 3 volumes ;)

  10. Eille says:

    Thank you, this release made my day! :D

  11. Foggy says:

    really enjoy this manga :)

  12. Hakaisha says:

    Thanks for the release

  13. Murdox says:

    I’ve never seen a series get scanlated so damn fast. And such a series! Thank you ;)

  14. anon says:

    Thank you for the speedy releases

  15. nadia maria says:

    thank you!! this volume is so beautiful.

  16. Student says:

    And I just finished volume five yesterday too, ha ha. You’re awesome!! Yes, the story is so close to ending. I really want this book physically in English… ( ̄^ ̄)

    Many thanks!!!

  17. orange says:

    Thank you sooo much for this wonderful series!! I’m amazed at how quickly you work! Ganbatte!

  18. Thank you so much for release volumen 6 ^^

  19. Maina says:

    Thank you so much! Ahh only 3 volumes left, I want to read the rest of it but I also don’t want it to end!!

  20. La Stella Nera says:

    Wow, that was fast! Thank U (´ε` )♡

  21. lovelove says:

    Closer and closer!!

    The pace you guys have been releasing this is unreal and completely excellent!
    Honestly I check daily for the next update because I know it won’t be too long before the next but I can’t believe just how fast this is being done

    I can’t wait to finally see everything that leads up to “that” conclusion

    Thank you guys!

  22. Izuna says:

    You’re amazing!! thank you very much^^

  23. amber says:

    thank you, youre so quick :DDD

  24. anon says:

    you guys are really amazing. this series is exquisite. so much thanks for working on this so tirelessly and quickly. looking forward to the rest of the volumes!

  25. Dalek says:

    Thank you so much for this release. I can express how thankful I am for this! It has quality and the releases are so fast. One whole volume too, that’s awesome! Thank you again and please, I want the rest. ;A;

  26. thesweeper says:

    Thanks a bunch for the release!

  27. onewchan says:

    I’m really in love with this charming series to the point that i can’t believe it myself. I mean, I was kinda sceptical before reading this manga to be honest, like doubting whether it’s good enough/worth-reading or not. so this is such a pleasant surprise for me. (:
    I love how the story flows, the characters, artwork, story, and everything.
    seriously appreciated your hardwork for scanlating and introducing this beautiful manga to us. Thank you SO much guys for the releases and so quickly on top of that.
    we’re forever grateful for your efforts. Good luck everyone for the rest of the volumes.
    we’ll be lookin forward to it!

  28. fabulousmax says:

    First of all: thanks for the fast releases! I’m grateful that I can read this awesome series so quickly, it’s admirable that you’re still ahead of the anime even though it progresses quickly as well (cutting the manga quite a bit, argh).
    Anyway, I wanted to ask you about something. Actually, I make scanlations of this series in my own language; so far I used the raw scans, but I realized your scans, from volume 4 onwards, are better quality than the raws I found. I remember that you wrote somewhere that you don’t mind your scanlations being used for international releases, but I thought I’ll ask about another thing. Can you, perhaps, send me the cleaned scans of volumes 4-6 if you still have them? It might be rude to ask for that, but I’m not exactly excited about doing the work I, maaaybe, can avoid. Since I got that idea, I thought I’d ask. Of course I’d credit you for cleaning. Also, either way, I’d like to offer my help with cleaning and/or typesetting the other volumes; I’m experienced and fast (without cleaning the sfx, I think I could clean one volume in one evening), and I’m probably going to have to clean them anyway so I might as well… Yep.
    Please, reply. Thanks again for the releases.

    • b1b2 says:

      Hi thanks for your comment and we’re glad that you’re enjoying the series!
      Well if you wanted our scans we will gladly provide <: But I would like to know what language you're going to translate it into^^ You don't really need to credit us but that's up to you~ Well if you want to help us out, we don't mind if you're able to share/provide Vol 9 raw scans since we still don't have it yet, so that would be very helpful for us!^^ Again thank you for your comment!

  29. Arelis says:

    OMG! It’s incredible!!! You’re so fast!!! How can you do it?…
    Thnk u so much guys, you really make me feel very happy with every release…You’re wonderful!!!
    You don’t know how much this means to me…Such a long time since I read something like this..For that reason, you working so damn well, it’s a kind of a gift! Again, thanks for your hard work, and I’m looking forward for the next volume ^^

    • b1b2 says:

      thank you for your comment! how we do it hmm…well firstly the cleaner/proofreader has nothing much to do at work thus is able to clean asap. As for the translator/editor, is on hols~ Hope that clarifies your questions! <:

  30. Antonia says:

    Thank you very much! nice sorprise when I enter to the page!! I love this manga really much!!
    Good luck and thanks again!

  31. foomafoo says:

    Thank you for the scanlations! You guys are awesome for doing it fast.

  32. silverstars says:

    Thank you so much! Your scanlation is just simply amazing. It’s not just about the speed, it’s about very thing, especially how you phrase your sentences. It’s just too good to believe that you and your friends have completed in in a week or even faster.

    I just want to make a small suggestion since I assume that you love to read josei with deep and hear wrenching plot. If you haven’t read 3 Gatsu no Lion from Umino Chica before, maybe you would like to try it. It doesn’t focus on romance. The story follows the development of a lonely boy who day by day struggling to move on from the past and to be able to accept the thing that he is loved and deserved to be love. I won’t try to cover for my real motive which is hoping that you will love that story and continue scanlate it from where it is left off. I would be extremely grateful if one day that happens. However, I have already been grateful for you and your friends so much for Sakamichi. Well, finally I just want to say that I look forward to all of your scanlation since I know that the story you chose to translate must be really beautiful.

    *end the shameless post*

    • shokupan says:

      Thanks for the compliments! I’ve only seen Umino Chika’s work from Honey and Clover and her character designs for Eden of the East, but I’ll give 3gatsu a try sometime.

  33. ctrl+z says:

    Thank you, guys! ♥ ♥

  34. Karen says:

    Hello, thank you very much for the translations, this manga is great ^^
    I would ask permission to use your scans for this manga translated into Spanish, we would greatly appreciate if you agree!
    Waiting for your reply I say goodbye. You are amazing, Greetings ~

  35. SSFan says:

    Please don’t get this wrong or me being unpatient (though it’s partly correct)… but when will you guys release volume 7? Any particular schedule? Cause I can’t wait to have it XD…
    The anime had been brainwashing my head intensely, that I wanted to catch up with the manga as soon as I can. Waiting for another episode each week can felt like hell, so having the manga to explain more details (which are obviously edited for the anime time-constraint) is a MUST. Great work guys! Waiting for your next release XD

  36. Hime_Aya says:

    Thank you for scanlating this series. I don’t read your releases, but thanks to your translations, and to the fact you sent the cleaned scans to the Polish group, I can read this manga in my own language quickly

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